Saturday, August 7, 2010

"New Media, Old Media and Public Unite Against Aurora's So-Called Corporation Counsel Alayne Weingartz and Party Girl Stephanie Kifowit's Attempt to V

"New Media, Old Media and Public Unite Against Aurora's So-Called Corporation Counsel Alayne Weingartz and Party Girl Stephanie Kifowit's Attempt to Violate Your Rights and Constitution of the United States"

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'm not surprised that openline has totally missed the main point of the proposal. The main thing to me as a property owner is helping the property owner decide for him/herself what takes place on their property. I should have the right to decide if I want ads, flyers, newspapers (usually in a language I don't speak) left on my property. 100% of the crap that gets dumped on my driveway, parkway, sidewalk, front lawn, tucked in my door, etc. goes straight into my recycling bin unread. When we've spotted people from La Raza, etc. throwing stuff from their cars, we've asked them (and told them) to stop leaving it, but it keeps coming. The part of the proposal that you should focus on is making it illegal to leave this crap if I have a sign posted saying No Trespassing or No Solicitors. The freedom of the press to publish this info doesn't override MY right to not have stuff dropped on my property if I don't want it.

8/4/10 5:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know Openline was powered by Google. I thought it was by Fox "News."

Not sure why you think we should have a "right" to have SPAM delivered to our property. Bad enough to get it in email and snail mail.

8/4/10 6:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the city have enough money to fight this in court? The answer is NO which the city will loose,

8/4/10 6:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what I do...kick the mexican newspaper in the curb and let the streetsweeper take it away.

8/4/10 8:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the city will loose"?


8/4/10 11:24 PM

Anonymous David- Aurora West Side said...

I like the stand the Chicago tribune and the Sun-Times took.

I also liked what Matt Harrington said in his opening line to the city council. It was a classic "this change is brought forth out of ones fear or ignorance"

Look, I know it's a pain in the ass to pick up some of the fliers and other junk we get.

But think back when you might over been a kid starting his own landscape service, you need to pass out fliers.

Or you want to warn the community of a sex offender living near you. But all you can do is pass out fliers.

In a free society with the liberty to express ones right to advocate ones ideas or services. I believe that with a little trash come a great treasure.

And that treasure is community.

from Aurora's West-side


8/5/10 9:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, obviously Matt should not be backed. Fear and ignorance has NOTHING to do with this proposal. Standing up for the rights of property owners is what it is all about. I should be able to put up a sign or sticker or something telling people I don't want their crap. And there should be a way for me to report people who violate my rights, and for the city to take action to support me. Just like we have the Do Not Call List, we should have a mechanism to tell people we don't want them leaving their litter on our property.

8/5/10 11:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more idiocy from Weingartz, Weisner and company. The same idiots who harass legitimate businesses, Christmas light displayers and churches to follow zoning laws, but embrace and ignore the law when it comes to tatoo parlors, Nayek pay-to-play and "baby mutilators". Someone please expose the corruption and idiocy going on in Aurora. Pathetic!

8/5/10 12:03 PM

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