Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mr. F. S. Fitzgerald
Aurora & Chicago IL. said...

You are right many people have given a kidney to people before.

But their are over 80,000 people wait still and most will never make it. And you are so right Mr. Irvin, with that many people in the race if everyone gets an equal of votes 25% would be a tie. So all you need is 26%+ to win.

But Matt is polling at 68% against you as well as the others.

At less that is what came from a local union tracking independent source.

So Aurora if you like to keep getting sucked dry and now have the Police and Fire Department gutted. Like the way Mr. Irvin and the Mayor wants to do. Vote for them, But if you want an independent thinker a person whom has show that he care for the community he lives in.

Then BACK MATT HARRINGTON for Aurora's Alderman at Large.

Next Time Richard, you might have guts to put your name on your comment.

But We doubt that you will ever have a true backbone of your own.

Go Matt Go....

Mr. F. S. Fitzgerald
Aurora & Chicago IL.

Anonymous said...

it appears that the Back Matt campaign doesn't know how to work the comment function or they want to repeat themselves because no one really cares if the guy gave a kidney. I have read of many people who do that.

Irvin will be a shoe in, with so many people running he only needs 25% of the vote to win without a primary. Eliminating the primary was a way for the State Legislature to ensure incumbents stay in office at the municipal level.

11/27/10 11:08 AM

11/27/10 9:40 PM